Ursuline Academy of St. Louis, founded in 1848, and under the sponsorship of the Ursuline Sisters, is a private Catholic college preparatory high school for young women. In a community environment, built on standards of academic excellence and respect for the uniqueness of each person, Ursuline Academy educates students for Christian living and leadership in a global society, nurtures the development of the whole person and her potential, and cultivates within its students a spirit of lifelong service through its motto of SERVIAM, “I will serve”.
Katy Henry Spirit Award - This scholarship was established in memory of Katy Henry who had and outstanding school spirit and a great love of Ursuline Academy. Katy was killed in an accident in the summer of 2003. To honor Katy’s love of Ursuline, her family established a scholarship in her name, which will be made available to an incoming freshman. This award will be given to a student who exhibits Katy’s spirit of determination, joy of life and willingness to persevere. The scholarship is based on the student’s desire to become part of the Ursuline family, her spirit of determination and financial need.
The scholarship recipient is a rising senior this year. She is a remarkable young lady who has represented Katy’s spirit with grace. The next 4 year scholarship will be offered to the incoming freshman class of 2010.
If you would like to make a donation to this worthy cause the contact information is below:
Ursuline Academy
341 S. Sappington
St. Louis MO 63122
KATY HENRY “AVERAGE” STUDENT SCHOLARSHIP - Established 2004 The Katy Henry “Average” Student Scholarship is available through the University of Central Missouri Foundation for a female student who is an active member of a sorority at UCM. This scholarship is made possible by way of a gift from family and friends of Katy Henry.
BACKGROUND: This scholarship is established in memory of Catherine “Katy” Henry, a member of Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity who had the dream of starting a scholarship for the “average” student. The term, “average” is a misnomer. The scholarship honors the memory of a young woman who’s enthusiasm for living and infectious joy raised the spirits of all who knew her. Academic endeavors are necessary requirements in succeeding in one’s life, but it was Katy’s love of life, effervescent humor, and engaging personality that are the qualities of this scholarship. It’s only named “average” because that is what Katy wanted to call it.
CRITERIA: To apply, a student must: a. be a female undergraduate student and an active member of a sorority at UCM for at least one year (two academic semesters); b. have a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 to 3.25 on a 4.0 scale; c. be active in intramural sports, philanthropic activities, community involvement and/or campus involvement.
SELECTION PROCESS: 1. The recipient(s) of the Katy Henry “Average” Student Scholarship will be recommended by a selection committee comprised of the Director/Assistant Director of Residence and Greek Life, the Chapter President or Vice President of Alpha Omicron Pi Fraternity, and a member of the Henry Family (or their designee) for as long as they wish to be involved. Recipient(s) shall be approved by the UCM Scholarships and Awards Officer. 2. The application must be delivered or postmarked by March 1. Recipient(s) shall be announced by May 15 of any given year. 3. The Selection Committee, with the approval of the donor and the Executive Director of the Foundation, will annually establish the number and award amount. If adequate funding is not available, the Selection Committee may exercise the option of making no selection. Applications must be delivered / postmarked by March 1 to: Residence and Greek Life ▪ University of Central Missouri ▪ Ellis Hall L23 ▪ Warrensburg, MO 64093
Click here for an application.